Can you guess who tweeted this? That’s a famous author’s reply to a follower’s tweet. Later, I’ll share to you who this famous author is. In fact, I’ve rounded up 7 authors that are active on Twitter.
They’re as famous as their books. You’d think the only thing they talk about is their book. Uh uh, that’s not true at all. They interact with their fans, they share tidbits of their personal lives, let us in into a sneak-peak of their upcoming book, and even make us laugh.
Twitter has bridged the gap between readers and authors with just 140 characters, building a stronger connection with their fan base.
These authors are racking up hundreds and even millions of followers. Their books filled your shelves, made waiting time in lines bearable, helped put you to sleep, made you discover that finishing a book is equivalent to the amount of time it takes to finish a large Frappuccino…and the list goes on.
Here are the 7 famous authors who are active on Twitter. I wrote a reason in 140 characters or less why you should follow them.
Because you should.
7. John Green (@realjohngreen)

Twitter bio: I am an author, a vlogbrother, and a person who does not cast movies.
Followers: 5.05M
He’s famous for his young adult fiction novels namely Looking for Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars. Two films based on Green’s novels were released in 2014 (The Fault in Our Stars) and 2015 (Paper Towns).
Ironically, some overzealous fans threatened to kill him if he chooses a certain actress to play Alaska in the film adaptation of Looking for Alaska. He defends himself through his bio.
John is also known for his vlogs (video blogs) covering mostly educational topics such as history, literature, science, etc.
Reason to follow him: He knows the importance of Hello Kitty jelly beans in her children's life.
6. Malcolm Gladwell (@Gladwell)

Twitter bio: Skinny Canadian
Followers: 361K
Three of his most popular books are The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, and Outliers: The Story of Success.
Besides attaining success as an author, Gladwell is also a prolific journalist and speaker. His books are mostly related in the areas of social sciences and psychology.
Next time you go to a bookstore, I’m sure you’ll find his books in the self-help section.
Reason to follow him: He knows how to please himself. He goes to a restaurant alone, enjoys a meal alone…then just maybe you’d run into him and join in!
5. Neil Gaimann (@neilhimself)
Twitter bio:
Followers: 2.4M
Neil is one of the top writers in comics. He also writes short fiction, novels, and audio theatre and films. He’s known for the comic book series The Sandman, and novels Stardust, American Gods, Coraline, and The Graveyard Book.
He’s a gem in the modern literary world because in his website, he describes the day-to-day process of writing, revising, publishing, and promoting a novel or any of his current projects. If you visit his website, you’re in for a grand treat.
Reason to follow him: He eavesdrops.
4. Margaret Atwood (@MargaretAtwood)
Twitter bio: Author
Followers: 1.11M
Margaret loves cats. She loves birds and dogs and rabbits. She loves animals!
You can see the relationship of animals in her works. Her notable works are The Handmaid’s Tale, Cat’s Eye, Alias Grace, and The Blind Assassin.
Atwood has also published short stories and fifteen books of poetry inspired by myths and fairy tales. As an environmental activist, she’s considered the badass of the literary world.
Reason to follow her: She takes Twitter to another level. About time.
3. Deepak Chopra (@DeepakChopra)
Twitter bio: (no info)
Followers: 2.71M
If holistic living and spiritual journeying is your thing, there’s a high chance you’ve already heard about him. He’s an author and public speaker advocating the use of alternative medicine from the principles of Ayurveda.
He’s a proponent of Yoga and mindfulness meditation claiming that it supports healing process.
Dubbed as the New Age guru, Chopra has written quite a number of bestsellers namely The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, The Book of Secrets, and The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desires.
Recently, he has released his latest book called Super Genes: Unlock the Astonishing Power of Your DNA for Optimum Health and Well-Being.
Reason to follow him: Because on Valentine’s Day, he tweeted this. If a man believes in Love, we believe him.
2. J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling)

Twitter bio: Author
Followers: 7.03M
Harry Potter. Need I say more?
Okay, in honor of one the world’s favorite authors, I’ll still write bits about her eventhough you’ve done all the stalking yourself.
Jo is also writing under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith where she’s also hitting the bestseller list. She’s a sweetheart and an activist on Twitter because of her charming but sharp humor and unfiltered take on political matters and social issues.
Reason to follow her: Every author should take this lesson from her. Always.
1. Paulo Coelho (@paulocoelho)

Twitter bio: Writer
Followers: 10.9M
I don’t know other lists that did not include Paulo Coelho in it. You and I can testify, we both know. Because you and I have at least one of his books!
He’s the most followed author on Twitter and there is a reason for that.
His most famous book The Alchemist has led us to rethinking our beliefs on dreams. It’s that one little book that can tap into our core.
Reason to follow him: Because he wants us to work on our dreams EVERYDAY.

You see, it’s a small world. So, see you on Twitter?
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Given the choice between eating and writing, I’ll take eating, but writing is a very close second.
I fully agree.
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Maya Angelou
Writing is an expression of LOVE. I need ti to breathe.
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